This story revolves around the lives of three teenagers, Berg, Pete and Sharon and how their lives are entwined. It further deals with the bonds they share with each other.
AK,once a popular actor gets expelled from the industry for his attitude that is misunderstood by the insiders. He starts up a venture that is committed to bridge the gap between ...
The Earth Union is locked in a massive galactic war. Aboard the Space Battleship Tiramisu, ace pilot Subaru Ichinose carries the fate of humanity on his shoulders. Life for Subaru is ...
After stealing money from his company and running away, Jamal starts a medical practice under a fake name, but the nurse he hires has a secret of her own.
A coming-of-age story that follows a group of students with an interest in debate.
Freshman Bai Yu studies Culture Industry Management at Yingli University. He mistakenly attends the ...
Join RuPaul, the world's most famous drag queen, as the host, mentor and judge for the ultimate in drag queen competitions. The top drag queens in the U.S. will vie for drag stardom as ...